Chair for submission: Simon
Submission of papers is managed through EasyChair, a comprehensive conference paper management system. Detailed instructions are at the foot of this page.
Submission deadline
The submission deadline is Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 11:59pm US Pacific Daylight Time.
Papers should be no more than eight (8) pages long.
Templates for submissions can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings website. LaTeX users should use option #2 (tighter alternate style) when formatting their documents.
Papers that do not conform to the author guidelines will not be accepted for review: the authors will be notified and invited to try again.
Please note that very poor writing is enough in itself to ensure a paper’s rejection. Authors are advised not to rely on the reviewers to do their editing, but to do it, and do it properly, before submitting their paper for review.
Double-Blind Reviewing Requirements
It is standard practice that identities of the reviewers are not made known to authors. The double-blind review process extends this principle so that reviewers do not know the identity of authors. This process requires authors to refrain from identifying themselves in their own paper. In some cases, no effort will stop a determined reviewer from finding out who has written a paper: what we are asking is that you take steps to hide this information from reviewers who are willing to work double blind.
In place of the usual author and address details, put “Author details suppressed”. Refrain from references to your university or campus by name. If you feel that a description of your university is in some way salient to the paper, use generalities. For example, write “A Large Metropolitan University (ALMU)” rather than “Auckland University of Technology (AUT)”.
Avoid citing a large number of your own papers. Cite the minimal number of those papers that will provide the reader with the necessary background, just as you would if those papers were written by someone else. Do not cite papers that have not yet been published.
Avoid expressions like “In earlier work we …” followed by a citation of a paper authored by yourself.
If your paper is one in a series, such as “Commonsense computing”, do not indicate this in the title or text of the paper submitted for review. You will have the opportunity to change the title if the paper is accepted.
If you have an acknowledgements section, please omit it for the blind submission.
In general, please apply good judgement when preparing your submission, to maintain the integrity of the double-blind process. Submissions that allow the author to be identified may be returned to you for editing, or may even be edited by the program chairs to remove the specific identifying material.
Once you have a PDF copy of your paper, see how well it is blinded. Some PDF creation software includes in the document properties such details as author name, name of the document this one was created from, and so on. Then some operating systems, such as Windows XP, show these details in a tool tip when the cursor hovers over the file name. A PDF document can hardly be called blind if its author’s name appears on the screen when the cursor hovers over it, or even if its author’s name is hidden in its properties. If your operating system does not show a document’s properties in a tool tip, please be especially careful to disguise these properties, as they will show in other systems. Please take document blinding seriously!
If you feel that you are being disadvantaged by the double-blind requirements, then you may consider making an aside to the reviewer in this version of the paper. Such a reference would be removed from the final version of an accepted paper.
Submission process
To submit a paper …
- Ensure that it is a suitably anonymised PDF document.
- Go to
- Unless you already have an EasyChair account, follow the prompts to create an account, taking note of the secret word that you provide.
- When you receive a confirmation email, go to the link given in that email, repeat your secret word, complete your account details, and login to EasyChair. If you do not receive a confirmation email, it is likely that your email system has filtered it out as suspected SPAM, in which case we ask you to try again using a more forgiving email system.
- Select New Submission and follow the prompts.
- Note that fax number is a required field. Authors without fax numbers may write something such as “none available”.
- Submit the paper.