Lightning Talks & Posters



Lightning Talks



What we want

Subject: CER research questions, research design, methodology, data-gathering strategy, tool, or technique

Work at any phase from early ideas to complete but unpublished research

A concise summary of scholarly work, but substantially more information than a lightning talk

Novel, not yet fully explored or
tested work

Succinctly expressed

Preference given to

Authors who have not presented at ICER in the past

Content that is most likely to spark discussion at ICER



What you get

Opportunity to articulate new work

Opportunity to recruit collaborators (or participants)

One-on-one exposure and feedback

Author(s), title, and
abstract in proceedings

Exposure to all session attendees

Speaker and title in proceedings

How to submit

Where: EasyChair

What: Fill out and submit poster submission template below 

When: see Call for Papers

Where: EasyChair

What: Fill out and submit Lightning Talk submission template below

When: see Call for Papers


Poster size: 24×36 inches
(61×91 cm)

Short, 2 to 3 minute presentation (strictly timed!)


  1. Work already being presented at ICER (i.e., accepted research papers, WIP, doctoral
    consortium submissions) is ineligible for either the posters session or
    the lightning talks session.
  2. All submissions will be editorially reviewed (Submissions will be considered by the session co-chairs in consultation with conference chairs).



1)   Abstract as it will appear in the proceedings:

  • Author(s) names and affiliations:
  • Email for corresponding author:
  • My poster is about: (250 word limit)

2) Background information for reviewers:

A) Is it your first time presenting at ICER? Y|N

B) Phase of work at time of presentation will be (choose all that apply):

  • initial idea
  • working on research design
  • some data collected
  • pilot study completed
  • initial results
  • paper written but unpublished
  • unpublished CER tool
  • other (please explain)

C)  My goal in presenting this poster is (choose all that apply):

  • Solicit feedback from the community regarding a CER project
  • Present  a new tool, technique, or methodology
  • Present unpublished results of ongoing work
  • Other (please explain):


Speaker’s name:



Is it your first time presenting at ICER? Y|N

My talk is about: (200 word limit)


My talk will (choose all that apply):

  • Solicit feedback from the community regarding a CER project (including sharing project plans and/or initial results)
  • Describe a new CER project for which the author(s) are seeking collaborators
  • Share encouraging initial results from a CER project
  • Present  a new tool, technique, or methodology