Posters |
Lightning Talks |
What we want |
Subject: CER research questions, research design, methodology, data-gathering strategy, tool, or technique |
Work at any phase from early ideas to complete but unpublished research A concise summary of scholarly work, but substantially more information than a lightning talk |
Novel, not yet fully explored or Succinctly expressed |
Preference given to |
Authors who have not presented at ICER in the past Content that is most likely to spark discussion at ICER |
What you get |
Opportunity to articulate new work Opportunity to recruit collaborators (or participants) |
One-on-one exposure and feedback
Author(s), title, and |
Exposure to all session attendees Speaker and title in proceedings |
How to submit |
Where: EasyChair What: Fill out and submit poster submission template below When: see Call for Papers |
Where: EasyChair What: Fill out and submit Lightning Talk submission template below When: see Call for Papers |
Format |
Poster size: 24×36 inches |
Short, 2 to 3 minute presentation (strictly timed!) |
1) Abstract as it will appear in the proceedings:
- Author(s) names and affiliations:
- Email for corresponding author:
- My poster is about: (250 word limit)
2) Background information for reviewers:
A) Is it your first time presenting at ICER? Y|N
B) Phase of work at time of presentation will be (choose all that apply):
- initial idea
- working on research design
- some data collected
- pilot study completed
- initial results
- paper written but unpublished
- unpublished CER tool
- other (please explain)
C) My goal in presenting this poster is (choose all that apply):
- Solicit feedback from the community regarding a CER project
- Present a new tool, technique, or methodology
- Present unpublished results of ongoing work
- Other (please explain):
Speaker’s name:
Is it your first time presenting at ICER? Y|N
My talk is about: (200 word limit)
My talk will (choose all that apply):
- Solicit feedback from the community regarding a CER project (including sharing project plans and/or initial results)
- Describe a new CER project for which the author(s) are seeking collaborators
- Share encouraging initial results from a CER project
- Present a new tool, technique, or methodology