Call for Participation

The fifteenth annual ACM International Computing Education Research (ICER) Conference aims to gather high-quality contributions to the computing education research discipline. We invite submissions across a variety of categories for research investigating how people of all ages come to understand computational processes and devices, and empirical evaluation of approaches to improve that understanding in formal and informal learning environments.

Research areas of particular interest include:

  • discipline based education research (DBER) in computer science (CS), information sciences (IS), and related disciplines
  • design-based research, learner-centered design, and evaluation of educational technology supporting computing knowledge or skills development
  • pedagogical environments fostering computational thinking
  • learning sciences work in the computing content domain
  • psychology of programming
  • learning analytics and educational data mining in CS/IS content areas
  • learnability/usability of programming languages
  • informal learning experiences related to programming and software development (all ages), ranging from after-school programs for children, to end-user development communities, to workplace training of computing professionals
  • measurement instrument development and validation (e.g., concept inventories, attitudes scales, etc) for use in computing disciplines
  • research on CS/computing teacher thinking and professional development models at all levels
  • rigorous replication of empirical work to compare with or extend previous empirical research results
  • systematic literature review on some topic related to computer science education

In addition to standard research paper contributions, we continue our longstanding commitment to fostering discussion and exploring new research areas by offering several ways to engage. These include:

  • Just prior to the conference: a doctoral consortium for graduate students and a work-in-progress workshop for researchers
  • Following each paper presentation: time for discussion among the attendees in preparation for feedback to the paper presenters
  • At other times during the conference: lightning talks and posters

Submission Categories

ICER provides multiple options for participation, with various levels of discussion and interaction between the presenter and audience. These sessions also support work at various levels, ranging from formative work to polished, complete research results.

Research Papers

Papers are limited to 8 pages, excluding references, double-blind peer reviewed and published in the ACM digital library as part of the conference proceedings. Accepted papers are allotted time for presentation and discussion at the conference.

Doctoral Consortium

2 page extended abstract submission required and published in ACM digital library as part of the conference proceedings. Students will present their work to distinguished faculty mentors during an all-day workshop and during the conference in a dedicated poster session.

Lightning Talks and Posters

Lightning talks are 2-3 minute presentations to all attendees regarding novel, not yet fully explored or tested work. Posters present work (in a standard poster-session format) at any phase from early ideas to complete but unpublished research. Both submission types should present scholarly work consistent with the overall goals of ICER.

Work in Progress Workshop

This one-day workshop is a venue to get sustained engagement with and feedback about early work in computing education. White paper submission is required, but white papers are not included in the proceedings.

Co-located Workshops

Proposals for pre/post conference workshops of interest to the ICER community (i.e., those that aim to advance computer science education research) are welcomed and encouraged. ICER local arrangements personnel will be available to assist with workshop logistics where possible. If interested, contact the workshop chair, Jennifer Campbell (​​).

Important Deadlines and Dates

Research Papers

What When
Abstract submission (250 words, mandatory) Friday, March 29, 2019, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
Full paper submission Friday, April 5, 2019, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
Notification of acceptance Friday, May 31, 2019
Final camera ready deadline Friday, June 14, 2019, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)

Other Submission Types

What When
Co-located Workshop proposals Friday, April 12, 2019, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
Doctoral Consortium submissions Wednesday, May 1, 2019 anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
Lightning talk and Poster proposals Submissions: ​Friday, June 7, 2019, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
Acceptance notification: ​Friday, June 14, 2019 (UTC-12)
Camera-ready copy (for poster abstracts): ​Friday, June 21, 2019 (UTC-12)
Work in Progress workshop application Friday, June 7, 2019, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)

Conference Schedule

Work in Progress Workshop Sunday, August 11, 2019
Doctoral Consortium Sunday, August 11, 2019
ICER Conference Monday, August 12 – Wednesday August 14, 2019

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Robert McCartney — ​University of Connecticut, USA
  • Anthony Robins — ​University of Otago, New Zealand
  • Andrew Petersen — ​University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
  • Adon Moskal — ​Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The ACM’s Conflict of Interest policies apply. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date will be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.