The review form for ICER 2018 can be found here
The roles involved in the review process are:
- Program chairs
- Meta-reviewers, who together constitute the Senior Program Committee (SPC)
- Reviewers, who together constitute the Program Committee (PC)
Two program chairs are appointed by the SIGCSE board to serve a two year term, based on nominations from the current conference co-chairs. One new appointment is made each year so that in any given year there is always a continuing program chair from the prior year and a new program chair. Appointment criteria include prior attendance and publication at ICER, past service on the ICER senior program committee or ICER program committee, research excellence in Computing Education, collaborative and organizational skills to share oversight of the program selection process. Expressions of interest should be sent to the current conference chairs, along with a CV and a statement of how the candidate meets the appointment criteria.
The program chairs invite and appoint the members of the senior program committee. The committee will be sized so that each SPC member will serve as meta-reviewer for 6-10 paper submissions. Each SPC member will serve a three-year term, with appointments occasionally made for one or two fewer years to ensure the staggering of appointments. Approximately one-third of the committee members will be new appointments each year. Appointment criteria include:
- Length of service on program committee (2 years minimum)
- Consistently high performance as reviewer
- Consistently high performance as meta-reviewer if served on SPC in the past
- History of prior publication in ICER
A senior program committee member may be reappointed only after a hiatus of two years. Expressions of interest should be sent to the current program chairs, along with a CV and a statement of how the candidate meets the appointment criteria.
The program chairs invite and appoint the members of the program committee. The committee will be sized so that each PC member will serve as reviewer for 4-6 paper submissions. Each member will serve a one year term, with no limits on reappointment. Appointment criteria include:
- Past attendance at ICER
- PhD in CS, CS Ed, Ed, or related field, or equivalent research experience
- Publication of research papers in Computing Education forums
- Satisfactory reviews for any prior service on ICER program committee
Expressions of interest should be sent to the current program chairs, along with a CV and a statement of how the candidate meets the appointment criteria.
ICER research papers are reviewed using a double-blind process managed through EasyChair. Authors initially submit an abstract by the abstract submission deadline, with the final deadline for full papers one week later. Following the abstract submission deadline, program committee and senior program committee members bid on papers of interest and register conflicts. This process is used in an effort to best match papers with program and senior program committee member expertise. Each paper is assigned to at least three PC members as reviewers and exactly one senior program committee member as a meta reviewer.
Assigned reviewers submit their anonymous reviews through EasyChair by the review deadline, making an accept/reject recommendation along with a rationale using the conference review form. During this review period, the senior program committee member assigned as meta-reviewer will stimulate discussion with the reviewers where appropriate. Once all reviews have been submitted, senior program committee members submit a meta-review, making an accept/reject recommendation along with a rationale, using the conference meta-review form. Prior to the meta-review deadline, the senior program committee member and reviewers assigned to a paper have the option to continue anonymous discussion through the EasyChair system concerning the paper under review.
Following the meta-review deadline, the program chairs determine the program, based on the reviews and meta-reviews. Authors are notified of the final decisions via email no later than the notification date listed in the CFP.
Note for 2017: this review process represents a change from the process used for ICER 2016. A rationale and highlight of changes is provided.
Note or 2018: the committee names were changed. In 2017 the committees were called Program Committee and Review Committee, which are since 2018 called Senior Program Committee and Program Committee.
Conflict of Interest
See this page for the ICERs Conflicwt of Interest policy (the same as the SIGCSE policy).