Conference Schedule

Sunday 12, August
08:00-17:00 Workshop: Computing Science Educational Infrastructure: Crossing the Borders
Peter Brusilovsky, Ken Koedinger, Cliff Shaffer and Steve Edwards
Haltia Finnish Nature Centre, Nuuksio National Park; bus transportation 7.20 from Helsinki City Center (Kiasma museum, Mannerheiminaukio, next to the Mannerheim monument), 8.00 Dipoli (Conference venue), and 8.15 from Radisson Blu, Otaranta 2, Espoo, Finland
08:00-17:00 Doctoral Consortium
Andy Ko, Jan Vahrenhold
Palaver, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo, Finland
13:30-17:00 Workshop: Building Your Team of Change Champions
Rebecca Bates
Takka, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo, Finland
17:00-19:00 Reception & Conference registration
Capitolium, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Monday 13 August
08:00-08:45 Registration
Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo, Finland
08:45-09:15 Opening – Conference Welcome and Announcements
Kaleva, Dipoli
Session 1 Social and psychological theory perspectives
Chair: Briana Morrison, University of Nebraska Omaha, USA
09:15-10:45 Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Load, and Emotional Reactions in Collaborative Algorithms Labs — A Case Study
Laura Toma (Bowdoin College); Jan Vahrenhold (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
Fixed versus growth mindset does not seem to matter much: A prospective observational study in two bachelor level computer science courses
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (Univ. of Jyväskylä); Ville Tirronen (Univ. of Jyväskylä)
Towards an analysis of program complexity from a cognitive perspective
Rodrigo Duran (Aalto Univ.); Juha Sorva (Aalto Univ.); Sofia Leite (Univ. of Porto)
10:45-11:15 Morning coffee/tea – Sief, Dipoli
Posters during Morning coffee/tea – Capitolium, Dipoli
Session 2 Theory in CS education – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Robert McCartney, University of Connecticut, USA
11:15-12:15 On Use of Theory in Computing Education Research
Greg L. Nelson (Univ. of Washington); Andrew Ko (Univ. of Washington)
Panel discussion
12:15-13:30 Lunch – Sief, Dipoli
Session 3 Tools and technologies in computing education, 1 – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Andrew Petersen, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
13:30-15:00 Metacognitive Difficulties Faced By Novice Programmers in Automated Assessment Tools
James Prather (Abilene Christian Univ.); Raymond Pettit (Abilene Christian Univ.); Kayla Holcomb McMurry (Abilene Christian Univ.); Alani Peters (Abilene Christian Univ.); John Homer(Abilene Christian Univ.); Maxine Cohen (Nova Southeastern Univ.)
Who Tests the Testers? Avoiding the Perils of Automated Testing
John Wrenn (Brown Univ.); Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown Univ.); Kathi Fisler (Brown Univ.)
Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Adaptive Parsons Problems
Barbara Ericson (Georgia Inst. of Technology); James Foley (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Jochen Rick (Georgia Inst. of Technology)
15:00-15:30 Lightning Talks
Chair: Kate Sanders, Anna Eckerdal
Kaleva, Dipoli
15:30-16:15 Afternoon coffee/tea – Sief, Dipoli
Posters during Afternoon tea – Capitolium, Dipoli
Session 4 CS teachers – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Adrienne Decker, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
16:15-17:45 Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Inclusive Design
Alannah Oleson (Oregon State Univ.); Christopher Mendez (Oregon State Univ.); Zoe Steine-Hanson (Oregon State Univ.); Claudia Hilderbrand (Oregon State Univ.); Christopher Perdriau (Oregon State Univ.); Margaret Burnett (Oregon State Univ.); Andrew Ko (Univ. of Washington)
Digital competence, teacher self-efficacy and training needs
Linda Mannila (Linköping Univ.); Lars-Åke Nordén (Uppsala Univ.); Arnold Pears (Uppsala Univ.)
Professional Learning in the Midst of Teaching Computer Science
Aleata Hubbard (WestEd); Katie D’Silva (WestEd)
Evening Make your own arrangements for dinner.
See the list of recommended restaurants.
Tuesday 14 August
08:45-09:00 Registration – Kaleva, Dipoli
09:00-10:15 Keynote address: Growing minds – 21st century competences and digitalisation among Finnish youth?
Kirsti Lonka (Univ. of Helsinki). Chair: Lauri Malmi, Aalto University, Finland
10:15-11:00 Coffee / tea & DC posters (grp 1) – Sief / Capitolium, Dipoli
Session 5 Background factors – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Leo Porter, University of California, San Diego, USA
11:00-12:30 Socioeconomic Status and Computer Science Achievement: Spatial Ability as a Mediating Variable in a Novel Model of Understanding
Miranda Parker (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Amber Solomon (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Brianna Pritchett (Georgia Inst. of Technology); David Illingworth (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Lauren Margulieux (Georgia State Univ.); Mark Guzdial (Georgia Inst. of Technology)
Investigating the relationship between spatial skills and computer science
Jack Parkinson (Univ. of Glasgow); Quintin Cutts (Univ. of Glasgow)
Experiences of Computer Science Transfer Students
Harrison Kwik (Univ. of Washington); Benjamin Xie (Univ. of Washington); Andrew Ko (Univ. of Washington)
12:30-13:45 Lunch – Sief, Dipoli
Senior PC meeting – Valsta, Dipoli
Session 6 K12 computing education – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Colleen Lewis, Harvey Mudd College, USA
13:45-15:15 Decomposition: A K-8 Computational Thinking Learning Trajectory
Kathryn Rich (Michigan State Univ.); T. Andrew Binkowski (Univ. of Chicago) ;Carla Strickland (Univ. of Chicago);and Diana Franklin (Univ. of Chicago)
Unravelling the cognition of coding in 3-to-6-year olds. The development of an assessment tool and the relationship between coding ability and cognitive compiling of syntax in natural language
Eva Marinus (Macquarie Univ.); Zoe Powell (Macquarie Univ.); Rosalind Thornton (Macquarie Univ.); Genevieve McArthur (Macquarie Univ.); Stephen Crain (Macquarie Univ.)
Starting from Scratch: Outcomes of early computer science learning experiences and implications for what comes next
David Weintrop (Univ. Maryland); Alexandria Hansen (Univ. California Santa Barbara); Danielle Harlow (Univ. California Santa Barbara); Diana Franklin (Univ. of Chicago)
15:15-16:00 Coffee / tea & DC posters (grp 2) – Sief / Capitolium, Dipoli
Session 7 Session 7, Misconceptions – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Judy Sheard, Monash University, Australia
16:00-17:30 Programming Misconceptions for School Students
Alaaeddin Swidan (Delft Univ. of Technology); Felienne Hermans (Delft Univ. of Technology); Marileen Smit (Delft Univ. of Technology)
Misconception-Driven Feedback: Results from an Experimental Study
Luke Gusukuma (Virginia Tech); Austin Bart (Virginia Tech); Dennis Kafura (Virginia Tech); Jeremy Ernst (Virginia Tech)
Identifying Student Difficulties with Basic Data Structures
Daniel Zingaro (Univ. of Toronto, Mississauga); Cynthia Taylor (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago); Leo Porter (Univ. California San Diego); Michael Clancy (Univ. California Berkeley); Cynthia Lee (Stanford Univ.); Soohyun Nam Liao (Univ. California San Diego); Kevin Webb (Swarthmore College)
18:00-18:15 Buses leave to conference dinner: 18:00 Dipoli – 18:15 Radisson Blu – 18:30 Hanasaari
19:00-22:00 Conference Dinner – Hanasaari Culture Center
22:00 Buses leave – 22:00 Hanasaari – 22:15 Radisson Blu – 22:20 Dipoli – 22:45 Kiasma (Helsinki City Center)
Wednesday 15 August
Session 8 Tools and technologies in computing education, 2 – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Brian Dorn, University of Nebraska Omaha, USA
08:45-10:15 Automated Plagiarism Detection for Computer Programming Exercises based on Patterns of Resubmission
Narjes Tahaei (Univ. of California Merced); David C. Noelle (Univ. of California Merced)
Objects count so count objects!
Ewan Tempero (Univ. of Auckland); Paul Denny (Univ. of Auckland); Andrew Luxton-Reilly (Univ. of Auckland); Paul Ralph (Univ. of Auckland)
Blackbox, five years on: an evaluation of a large-scale programming data collection project
Neil Brown (King’s College London); Amjad Altadmri (King’s College London); Sue Sentance (King’s College London); Michael Kölling (King’s College London)
10:15-10:45 Morning coffee/tea – Sief, Dipoli
Session 9 Recruitment and CS careers – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Lauren Margulieux, Georgia State University, USA
10:45-12:15 Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Understand Why Students Choose to Study Computer Science
Amnah Alshahrani (Univ. of Strathclyde); Isla Ross (Univ. of Strathclyde); Murray Wood (Univ. of Strathclyde)
How Mother and Father Support Affect Youths’ Interest in Computer Science
Jody Clarke-Midura (Utah State Univ.); Frederick Poole (Utah State Univ.); Katarina Pantic (Utah State Univ.); Chongning Sun (Utah State Univ.); Vicki Allan (Utah State Univ.)
“I told you this last time, right?”: Re-visiting narratives of STEM education
Sebastian Dziallas (Univ. Kent); Sally Fincher (Univ. Kent)
12:15-13:15 Lunch – Sief, Dipoli
Session 10 Case studies of assessment and studying – Kaleva, Dipoli
Chair: Daniel Zingaro, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
13:15-14:45 TA Marking Parties: Worth the Price of Pizza? Evaluating TA Confidence and Efficacy in Group vs. Individual Marking Scenarios
Brian Harrington (Univ. of Toronto); Marzieh Ahmadzadeh (Univ. of Toronto); Nick Cheng (Univ. of Toronto); Eric Wang (Univ. of Toronto); Vladimir Efimov (Univ. of Toronto)
Exploring how students perform in Theory of Computation courses using final exam and homework assignments data
Christiane Frede (Univ. of Hamburg); Maria Knobelsdorf (Univ. of Vienna)
Applying a Gesture Taxonomy to Introductory Computing Concepts
Amber Solomon (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Betsy Disalvo (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Mark Guzdial (Georgia Inst. of Technology); Ben Shapiro (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Closing Session – Kaleva, Dipoli
14:45-15:30 Paper awards (John Henry & Chairs Award), attendee feedback, announcements
16:00-17:45 Work in Progress workshop – Poli & Valsta, Dipoli
Colleen Lewis and Mark Guzdial, organizers
Thursday August 16
09.00-14.00 Work in Progress workshop – Poli & Valsta, Dipoli
Colleen Lewis and Mark Guzdial, organizers