Review process

ICER research papers are reviewed using a double-blind process managed through EasyChair. Authors are asked to anonymize their papers carefully prior to submission. Papers are reviewed independently by a minimum of three members of the conference Program Committee. No outside reviewing is used for ICER.

Following the abstract submission deadline, program committee members are asked to bid on potential papers of interest based on their titles and abstracts alone. These expressed preferences are then used to assign papers to reviewers once the final submission deadline has passed. This process is used in an effort to best match papers topics with reviewer expertise. Assigned reviewers submit their anonymous reviews through EasyChair.

Once all reviews have been submitted, a meta-reviewing panel will meet to make final accept/reject decisions based on the reviews. The meta-reviewing panel is made up of the three identified program co-chairs and the two associate chairs who are appointed each year from the larger program committee. Each paper is read by at least two members of the meta reviewing panel who facilitate discussion of the paper and its reviews during the deliberations.

Finally when necessary to reconcile dichotomous reviews or highlight matters of particular importance, a meta-review will be written by one member of this panel. If a meta-review is written for a submission it will be clearly indicated when returned along with the other reviews, but not all papers will receive a formal written meta-review.

Authors will be notified of the final decisions via email no later than the notification date listed in the CFP.