Keynote Speaker
Richard Buckland is Associate Professor in Computer Security, Cybercrime, and Cyberterror at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He has a love for teaching and a deep faith in the potential of all students. He has taught over ten thousand students face to face including K-12, undergraduate, postgraduate and professional students, and hundreds of thousands of students electronically. He has a passionate belief in the importance of education, of learning, of thinking.
Richard has been awarded ten peer reviewd teaching awards. He was named the Australian ICT educator of the year in 2013 (iAwards) and in 2008 was the Engineering Educator of the Year for Australia and New Zealand (AAEE).
Richard’s online computing lectures have had over two million views and in 2012 he ran the first Australian MOOC “The Art of Computing”. He is currently teaching a Cyber Security MOOC of 17,000 students. He is co-founder of the constructivist open MOOC and flipped classroom platform designed to delight students as well as teachers.
“In the educational literature, nearly every author introduces their paper by stating that the affective domain is essential for learning, but it is the least studied, most often overlooked, the most nebulous and the hardest to evaluate of Bloom’s three domains” – Kirk (2007)
Working in the cognitive domain is familiar and easy to measure. Affective learning outcomes are harder to achieve and much harder to measure and assure. Yet to transform our students into effective holistic learners with the potential to change the world around them it is the affective domain (belief, personal change, motivation, …) that is essential. Unfortunately these are also the aspects of learning that are most at risk in the online revolution currently disrupting education.
For example, to teach entrepreneurship we could design lessons so that students learn facts about famous entrepreneurs, so that they learn and know how to apply the formal academic models that have been developed to describe effective entrepreneurial behaviour. Further the students could learn to make and justify sensible decisions given real world case studies, and to be able to assess the business actions of others. Yet would any of these things give us confidence they will be effective entrepreneurs? Probably not.
Likely to become an effective entrepreneur students will need to know more than the theory of how to be an entrepreneur – they will also need to act as an entrepreneur, to take key risks, to avoid other key risks, to be persistent, to persevere, to make connections and build relationships and networks, to see opportunities and then to seize them with both hands. They will need to be transformed not only in what they know, but also in who they are.
In this talk we will look at what it is to learn and to teach in the Affective domain. We will look at Affective course learning outcomes, Affective alignment in assessment, and consider how to design and deliver effective Affective education both face to face and online.