Sample Review Form

The template below is provided to help guide reviewers and authors during the reviewing process. You may also find it helpful to review the tips for authors and reviewers.

NOTE: Actual reviews should be completed using the EasyChair system. Reviewers will receive a link via email when papers have been assigned.

Review Template

Overall evaluation:
    2: strong accept
    1: accept
    0: borderline
    -1: reject
    -2: strong reject

Reviewer's confidence
    5: expert
    4: high
    3: medium
    2: low
    1: none         

Relevance of the contribution for an international computing education research audience
    5: highly relevant to ICER and explicitly presents results in a manner directly 
       applicable to international computing education research contexts
    4: appropriate and consistently focused on computing education research, and 
       contribution speaks indirectly to issues of global relevance 
    3: appropriate and reasonably focused on computing education research, but 
       limited in relevance to a specific locale, region, or country
    2: marginally relevant to computing education research
    1: not relevant/not focused on computing education research

Contribution to the computing education research field
    5: a major and significant contribution to the field
    4: a clear contribution to the field
    3: minor contribution, perhaps with the promise of more to come
    2: no obvious contribution, but the promise of future value
    1: contributes little or nothing to computing education research

Discussion of related work
    5: all relevant work discussed and cited, and relationship to submission clearly 
    4: covers key related work; its relation to submission is described, but could be 
       extended further
    3: some references missing, or relationship to submission not clearly described
    2: several important or key reference(s) missing, and relationship of references 
       to submission not apparent
    1: no discussion of related work

Theoretical basis for the paper
    5: clear and strong theoretical basis, well documented with citations and clearly 
       applied in the research
    4: theoretical basis, with some citations and argument for how it is applied in 
       the research
    3: there is a theory there, but its relevance to the research is vague
    2: maybe there's a theory there, but it is vague and has no clear relevance to 
       the research
    1: no obvious theory being applied
Empirical basis for the paper
    5: data collected with clear methodology, excellent analysis
    4: data collected, good analysis
    3: data collected, unclear analysis
    2: not clear that there was a data collection methodology
    1: no data collected

Writing and expression
    5: exemplary writing that enhances the quality of the paper
    4: well written and expressed
    3: not well written, but could probably be made acceptable
    2: very poorly written; unlikely that it can be improved enough
    1: extremely poorly written; hard to understand

Likelihood of generating discussion at the conference that will benefit the field
    5: extremely likely
    4: likely
    3: neutral
    2: unlikely
    1: extremely unlikely
Written Review: Please provide a detailed review, including justification
for your scores. Please include the following clearly labeled sections, but
feel free to comment on other aspects of the work as appropriate.

Summary of Paper: Provide a 1-2 sentence summary of the work in your own
words.  We use this to verify that reviews get entered for the correct

Methodology: Discuss the appropriateness and quality of implementation of
the chosen methodology for the questions explored.

Empirical Basis: Discuss the empirical data analyzed in the work, with your
evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses.

Use of Theory: Discuss the appropriateness and quality of the theoretical
framework for addressing the explored research topic.

Contributions/Results: Highlight the results found, and your interpretation
of the strengths and weaknesses of them.

Significance: Make a case for the importance of this finding for our
community (or indicate your views if you believe it not so important). We
hopefully have a number of high-quality papers, and your input on what is
important for our community matters.