Welcome to ICER’15!

August 9-13, 2015
Omaha, Nebraska, USA

As ICER now enters its second decade as an international venue for high quality computing education research, we are thrilled to welcome the conference for the first time to the Great Plains of the Midwest and the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Please consider submitting your work or attending the 11th annual ICER conference!

Conference announcements

  • 17 Aug: ICER 2015 is over. We wish to thank all the attendees for coming, the committee members, the reviewers and the volunteers for making this years ICER such a nice experience. In the upcoming weeks you will find information about ICER 2016 here.

    We would also like to congratulate the winners of the Chair’ Award: Briana Morrison, Lauren Margulieux and Mark Guzdial and the winners of the John Henry Award: Kristin A. Searle, Yasmin B. Kafai

  • 30 June: We have now have an agreement with the Residence Inn. It’s next door to the Courtyard Marriott. Please book your room as soon possible
  • 14 June: Please note that the early registration deadline is July 3 if you intend to take advantage of the lower registration fee.
  • 29 April: Registration is now available
  • 23 April: Paper submission is now closed. Note that posters, lightning talks, and WIPW submissions are accepted until June 15
  • 4 March: The paper submission system is now open to submissions.
  • 27 Feb: Keynote Speaker Announced – Jim Spohrer, Director of IBM Global University Programs and leader of IBM’s Cognitive Systems Institute, will be the 2015 keynote speaker. See his blog/bio here.
  • 21 Oct: CFP Updated – NEW paper length requirements and poster submission track for ICER’15

What is ICER?

ICER is an annual international conference sponsored by ACM and its SIGCSE special interest group. The conference is focused specifically on the computing education research discipline – that is, the study of how people come to understand computational processes and devices, and how to improve that understanding. As computation becomes ubiquitous in our world, understanding of computing in order to design, structure, maintain, and utilize these technologies becomes increasingly important – both for the technology professional, but also for the technologically literate citizen. The research study of how the understanding of computation develops, and how to improve that understanding, is critically important for the technology-dependent societies in which we live.

Learning: Computing education is naturally concerned with how students make sense of computational processes and devices in formal education, including primary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions. Computing education also goes beyond formal education. What do adults understand about computation, and how do they come to that understanding? What do children understand about computation given their limited conceptions of time, process, and agency, and how does that affect their later formal learning about computation?

Instruction: Learning may be enhanced or impeded by instruction. Educators bring instructional methods, formal or informal theories, and values to specific learning environments and situations. As researchers we explore the educators’ role in the learning process – whether that educator is a teacher, near-peer, remote resource or the computer itself.

Computing Education Research employs methodologies from many fields, amongst them psychology, education, anthropology and statistics. As a consequence, research is frequently characterised by a diversity of methodological approaches; these may be applied directly, or may be combined and modified to suit the particular cross-disciplinary questions that we ask.

Access all past ICER proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

