Local information
Restaurants within walking distance, additionally you can take bus to La Jolla (City bus 30 that picks up at La Jolla Village Drive and Villa Ja Jolla Drive).
We recommend taking either a shuttle or a cab from the airport. However, if you do not wish to walk ~15-20 minutes from the hotel to the conference venue (the Great Hall on UCSD’s Campus: Building 447 – http://maps.ucsd.edu), you may wish to rent a car. Parking at UCSD is $8/day.
A cab ride will be about 20 minutes. A cab does not require a reservation. An online tool estimates the fare $60.
Shuttles range from 20-80 minutes depending on who else is to be dropped off. The estimate cost for SuperShuttle is $29 for first person, plus $9 for each additional person.
There are many shuttle companies you can find on google.
Some of the most common are:
A yelp review of shuttle services is here:
Navigation at ICER
Here is some information that might help you get around: