Call for papers

The International Computing Education Research (ICER) Workshop aims at gathering high-quality contributions to the computing education research discipline. Papers for the ICER workshop will be double blind peer-reviewed.


ICER accepts papers in two different categories.

Research papers. 8 pages
  • A clear theoretical basis, building on existing literature in computing education, computer science, and other related disciplines.
  • A strong empirical basis, drawing on relevant research methods. Papers that re-interpret and explain others’ empirical results are welcome.
  • An explication of the paper’s impact on, and contribution to, existing knowledge about computing education.
Discussion papers. 6 pages
  • Work in progress, or dissemination and discussion of new ideas in Computing Education Research.
  • Discussion papers fail to meet one or more of the criteria for research papers, but have the potential to become exemplary ICER papers if given the opportunity to be presented to and discussed by the community.
  • Discussion papers should include explicit discussion questions or ideas that the authors are interested in hearing discussed by the community. Time will be allotted at the conference to enable these discussions.

All papers should follow the ACM SIGCSE formatting guidelines. Templates for submissions can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings website. LaTeX users should use option #2 (tighter alternate style) when formatting their document.

Lightning talks

Lightning Talks are strictly timed 3 minute presentations intended to further expand the ICER community and spark discussion among conference participants. The intent is for these talks to provide a venue in support of new ideas and newcomers to our community. Lightning Talks are a great way to get early feedback on a work in progress, to demo a new tool or technique, and to find potential collaborators at other institutions.

Note: Work already being presented at ICER (ie., accepted papers, doctoral consortium submissions) is ineligible for the lightning talks session.

Submissions for consideration as lightning talks should use the provided MS Word template and are limited to a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts should be submitted no later than June 17 to Brian Dorn via email at for consideration. (Download template)

Submission deadlines

Submission deadline:  Monday 22 April 2013 at 11.59pm US Pacific time
Re-submission deadline:  Monday 29 April 2013 at 11.59pm US Pacific time (*)
Notification of acceptance: Monday 3 June 2013
Deadline for final version: Wednesday 26 June 2013

(*) We offer a re-submission slack of exactly one week. This means that an almost complete version of papers must be submitted by the 22 April deadline, but it will be possible to upload updated versions of papers until 29 April. Papers that are not submitted by 22 April will not be considered.

Other Activities

The Doctoral Consortium will be held the day prior to ICER 2013, on Sunday 11 August.

Tuesday afternoon activity TBA. Note: ICER extends to 3 days this year – Monday – Wednesday afternoon. The conference will end before 4pm on Wednesday 14 August.