Sydney, Australia, Friday 5 September 2008, the day before ICER begins
- To offer a friendly forum for students to discuss their research in computing education and receive constructive feedback
- To offer relevant information on issues important to doctoral candidates
- To nurture a community of computing education researchers
- To discuss the process of research and life in academia
The consortium is designed primarily for students currently enrolled in any stage of a doctoral programme with a focus on computing education research. In addition a number of discussants (who are experienced researchers) will provide feedback and suggestions.
Each student provides a summary of his/her research which is made available to other participants in advance for them to give preliminary feedback. On the day that the consortium meets in Sydney, each student gives a short presentation and receives further feedback from the other participants.
Apply by email to Donald Joyce, on or before Monday 5 May 2008.
Donald Joyce
School of Computing and Information Technology
Unitec New Zealand